In Violet Evergarden, Gilbert is a piece like Schrödinger’s feline. Schrödinger’s feline is an analysis in material science where a feline and a jar of toxic substance are put in a case. The jug of a poisonous substance can tear open whenever and kill the feline. Yet, until the container is opened, the feline can be considered at the same time both dead and alive. Since Gilbert’s body was never found, many individuals assumed he was killed, with Violet being the one who accepted he was as yet alive. That was how the anime series finished. Violet proceeded to carry on with her life while taking that Gilbert had endured the blast.
In Violet Evergarden: The Movie, it’s uncovered that Gilbert is as yet alive and showing kids on an island. Gilbert would not see Violet from the get-go, the responsibility making him too embarrassed even to think about evening face her. However, after perusing her letter, the two at long last rejoined. Gilbert being alive is somewhat of a quarrelsome subject. While the series finished on a blissful note, could it have been something more, story-wise, for Gilbert to have passed on or gone forever?
Why Gilbert Being Alive Brings Closure

Violet was depressed, and despite finding some peace with her affections for the major, she had missed constantly him nor surrendered trust that he was alive. Albeit Violet understood that she could carry on with life as a human, a heavy shadow of despair and misery hung over her.
It appeared that she was rarely ultimately present and barely getting by. In this limbo of the Schrödinger’s feline, Gilbert was harming her more than aiding her. As she told Gilbert’s sibling the length she was alive, she could never forget Gilbert.
Whenever she heard fresh insight about Gilbert, she illuminated and appeared to wake up. Gilbert’s expressions of “I love you” had been a directing light for her. It had been the best push for her to fill in as an Auto Memory Doll since she needed to realize what love implied.
Whenever she at last did, it was just correct that she say those words to him. Carrying her bend to a round trip and giving her the cheerful consummation that she merited.
Did Gilbert’s get back from the dead ruin Violet’s passionate excursion as a person? Not actually. Albeit the consummation of the anime series proposes that Violet appears to be prepared to live with the vulnerability of Gilbert’s destiny, the start of the film says something else.
The film went about as the last part of her mending; the series followed Violet as she figured out how to be human. The film offered her the chance to be human with the individual she adored.
Why Gilbert’s Death Would Have Worked

Violet had known nothing but savagery in her short life. After the conflict finished, she wasn’t sure how to work since she had generally lived as per others’ requests. His sibling had arranged for gilbert to deal with Violet like a weapon. However, he had strived to deal with her like an ordinary young lady. Not long before the two got isolated, the last request that Gilbert had given her was to live. From the outset, she wasn’t exactly sure what that had implied; however, through her connections with clients as an Auto Memory Doll, Violet began to comprehend.
Violet Evergarden is set in the fallout of the conflict where the individuals were abandoned. – – The officers’ families – – and the people who made due – – the troopers – – needed to figure out how to manage the sorrow and misfortune that came from the conflict. Each episode had Violet gradually assembling herself back after the war tore her apart and figuring out how to be human.
Through her communications with clients and her letter-composing, she had the option to get feelings and, in particular, deal with her sadness and love for Gilbert.
Violet’s active excursion has generally been tied to figuring out how to carry on with her life as her own. Violet was never indeed as automated as she seemed, by all accounts, to be, nevertheless. The entirety of injury and brutality she got through constrained her to stifle her feelings to a place where they were profoundly covered.
She began to see various types of adoration like the affection between kin, the love between a parent and a kid, and even between better halves. At the point when Gilbert’s mom let Violet know that her child was alive inside her heart, it was a suggestion to her that the people who were gone were rarely genuinely gone.
Toward the finish of the series, Violet was as yet unyielding Gilbert was as yet alive since his body was rarely found. She had tracked down one more reason throughout everyday life. Her grin appeared to show that Violet would be OK eventually despite not knowing the result of Gilbert’s destiny. It would have appeared to be legit for Gilbert not to get back from the dead since all he had at any point needed was her to live on, and she had satisfied his desire.
While fitting, the issue is that Violet had never acknowledged the thought that Gilbert was dead. She was trapped previously, so her last circular segment feels fragmented with a particular goal in mind.